Inequalities in australia

Where you live may impact your welbeing

the most advantaged areas are in the east, and especially cities.
Central australia is much more disadvantaged, and western australia has a small bit of advantage, but not nearly as much as the east.

The "latte line" is an imaginary divide in Sydney, Australia that shows the difference in wealth between different areas. It starts around Sydney Airport and goes northwest past Parramatta. Some parts, like the Eastern Suburbs, are seen as rich, while areas to the west, like Fairfield, are more disadvantaged. People in Western Sydney have a harder time affording housing even though prices are lower there. Factors like low wages, competition from investors, and lack of incentives make it difficult for people in the East to move to the West. To bridge the gap, the government is planning to create more job opportunities in the West and build new infrastructure like the Western Sydney Airport and better public transport.

Population 28,329 total, 13,033 male, 15,294 female
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